Welcome to Taichi Solution

Slow down, take a deep breath and exhale! Are you ready to develop a more vibrant, mindful and healthy lifestyle? Discover Chinese Wisdom of Lifelong Holistic Self-Cultivation.

Learn About the Ancient Art of Moving Meditation, Happiness & Longevity

Only a century ago, the average life expectancy was 42 years. Today people live two times longer. This is due not only to advances in medicine and technology but, more importantly, to proper nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. The book The Five Secrets to longevity by Drs Michael Lam and Maria Sulindrs discusses the five pillars of anti-aging:

Optimal Anti-Aging Supplementation 
Natural Hormone Enhancement 
Anti-Aging Specific Exercises
Anti-Aging Nutrition
Stress Reduction

Aging is not a disease, it is 70% related to lifestyle and only 30 % related to genetics. Tai Chi Solution’s aim is to create a gracefully aging society using discoveries China has known for thousands years while encouraging practitioners to pursue self-healing in daily life. This includes specific Tai Chi and Qi Gong exercises to protect and strengthen the internal organs, regulating and nourishing the spirit, maintaining an optimistic attitude, adjusting the diet, supplementing and keeping a balanced life between work and rest.

Qi Gong is a unique Qi (intrinsic energy) cultivation through the proper posture, breathing and meditative technique. As an art of healing and health preservation it has a long history and a profound cultural background and plays a critical role in preventing diseases and cultivating longevity.

In the context of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Essence, Qi and Spirit are the basic elements of all physiologic activity. Qi (life energy) appears in various forms in the body. The basic form is “original Qi” which is made up of the prenatal Qi; nutrients of food and the air drawn in through the lung. Qi vitalizes the body and flows along a network of channels in the body, known as meridians. Although these channels are not visible, they can be measured electrically.

There are 12 major meridians, most of which correspond to an organ in the body. When a person is healthy, an abundant supply of Qi flows through all the meridians in the right direction. If the flow becomes blocked or unruly, disease will follow. Qi Gong exercise has been approved as an active way to help removing such blockage so good health can return.

Tai Chi Quan is “supreme ultimate martial art” originated from China and now widely practiced all over the world, mainly for the purpose of improving health.

“Tai Chi” is a philosophy term meaning supreme ultimate. It brings two complementary polar opposites called Yin and Yang together, that creates a dynamic, balanced, integrated, and inter-dependent whole. This martial mart uses serene, complementary and sequential forms through the movements of offense and defense; soft and hard; fast and slow; upward and downward; inward and outward, ect. to improve focus, vitality, strengthen, flexibility, balance, coordination.

Doctors and health professionals have become more and more aware of its tremendous health benefits.

Our Mission

With a platform of education and community we seek to inspire people to live a balanced lifestyle, achieve the goal of living an abundant healthy life full of happiness and success. By offering classes, workshops, one on one coaching and educational tools. We help people master the art of Tai chi movements, self-healing and lifelong self-cultivation of this practice.

Meet Master Teacher
Sherry Zhang

Sherry Zhang is a certified Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor by the China Physical Education and Sports Committee, a well as a faculty member at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in NYC, teaching Tai Chi Quan and Qi Gong. A native of Hubei (China), she holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Chengdu Physical Education Institute in Sichuan and was an associate researcher in the Chinese Wushu Research Institute in Beijing.

Zhang began to acquire an outstanding martial arts background at the age of 6. She has been a pioneer for China Wushu Association and was selected for the “List of China Wushu Celebrities” an honor the People’s Republic of China bestowed on its top martial arts practitioners in 1998.

This logo is a combination of three major elements: the Tai Chi symbol, which is unity of Yin and Yang; the Dragon; and Lucky clouds. The circular shape of a golden coin reminds us of one’s fortune to have good health, and to accumulate it throughout your life.

The Chinese believe that everything in the universe is made up of two polar energies:

Yin and Yang. The Yin energy is character is a profoundly restful, and subdued energy whereas the Yang energy is characterized as a more outgoing and extroverted energy. The Tai Chi symbol represents a perfect balance of Yin and Yang, the same type of balance needed for a healthy and happy life. The same balance that needs to be brought into all relationships: work, family, friendship, and society. 

The Dragon is the most popular and mysterious creature in Chinese culture because it has the power to dive into the waters, fly to the sky and increase abundance and longevity. The Dragon’s spine in the logo, reminding us of the constant flow of life and our need to adapt to it with the same endless flexibility of a dragon. Continued success, high achievement, and prosperity are also listed among the Dragon’s arsenal of good qualities.

The clouds are regarded by ancient Chinese as a symbol of good luck and abundance as well as a creation of heaven, reminding us to be the creators of our own life.

Praise From Our Clients

Schedule Your Classes

Tai Chi Class for Beginners

This class includes Qi gong exercise, fundamental Tai chi exercise and 24 form simply Yang style Tai Chi Quan. It helps to develop proper posture, flexibility, balance and strength, as well as the basic Tai chi movements. It’s open to everyone who is searching for a simple practice to experience the calm flow and energetic balance by connecting your body and mind.

Advanced Tai Chi Class

The 48 Form Tai Chi Quan is great for those who are searching for the next level of Tai Chi practice. In this class you will reinforce the fundamentals and experience a longer form of Tai Chi which combines movements from the five Tai Chi styles. Improve your coordination, strength, and rhythm, as well as have more energy to deal with your day-to-day challenges.

One-on-One Coaching

With personal focused attention to the individual’s need and physical condition. It has various options from learning the basic skills; self-healing exercise to different forms of Tai Chi Quan and Qi Gong. Packages are also available.

Supplement Your Journey

TAI CHI MOVES with Sherry

This DVD includes Qigong Exercises, Tai Chi Fundamental Exercises and the Simplified Yang Style Tai Chi Form.

These three exercises can be practiced individually or you can follow the whole sequence for a complete workout.

It is a great guide to enhance what you learn in Sherry’s classes and workshops, with great benefits for everyone regardless of age or physical ability.

$15 + $6 shipping

Optimal Health Questionnaire

Movement is an essential part of our health journey, but it is only one part of the equation. By filling out this questionnaire we are able to suggest the best ways you can supplement your practice in order to reach your goals with specific types of support.

Taichi Solution’s main purpose is to support each member of our community with unique solutions and one on one attention.

Your first step is to fill out the questionnaire!

Sign up for our beginners class!

Sign up for our advanced class!

Sign up for our one-on-one class!